Click on subject to read:-
London Nuns give advice on Covid injections
Covid test centres proliferate on Germany
UK Doctors highlight concern about Covid injections for children
Royal Bolton A & E: Don't visit unless emergency
Indian variant and risk to children: Nil
Canada protests 'Assisted Dying' bill, Australia votes to introduce it
Facebook lifts ban on comments on virus origin
Freebies for people agreeing to be 'vaccinated'
Everything kept improving after ending the Covid mandates
UK mass surveillance found unlawful by Europe's highest human rights court
NHS plans to use your medical and private records for new database
Sweden drops fraudulent use of PCR tests
National Records of Scotland: 2207 died after Covid jab
Nobel prize winners says 'vaccines' creating variants
Economist crunches numbers: Where are the excess deaths?
Texas Senate Committee hearing on Covid-19 'vaccine'
Hospital bed occupancy before and during 'pandemic'
MHRA yellow card website: Deaths and injuries from inoculation
PCR test swabs as dangerous as inhaling asbestos
New World Order takes a twist and Gates and Fauci fall from grace
What sort of Government ignores/blocks/suppresses a cure in a pandemic?
Freedom protests all over the world
UK Government shifting blame to 'Refuseniks'
New Zealand sold out to Klaus Schwab
Adverse effects from Covid-19 injections
First coronavirus, next, green agenda
What is magnetic in Covid-19 inoculations
Pfizer Sars Covid-19 inoculation may reprogramme innate immune response: New scientific study
Women in labour forced to wear masks
Goa using Ivermectin as prophylactic to prevent Covid-19
PCR tests - Why are they so important in this 'pandemic'
EU Medicines Agency calls for more data
Vaccine 'breakthrough cases' increase so CDC changes the rules
Military warn of Countries in peril
Injection propaganda soon to start in UK schools
FOI request reveals prosecutions under coronavirus act: Nil
Whitewash of historic proportions - 'vaccine' injury reporting
Israel going back into lockdown?
Covid 'vaccine' killing huge numbers: Dr. McCullough
German Judge has home raided after mask judgement
CDC details errors in Covid deaths
Kenyan doctor mysteriously dies after criticising official narrative
First a digital 'vaccine passport', then...
Dr. Roger Hodkinson risks reputation to speak out
International Lawyer: We have the evidence
Vaccine passports - only half the story
Changing the definition of a Covid death
More on the situation in India
European Union votes through vaccine passports
Canada halts J&J vaccine: quality issues
Dept. of Health backs down over care home regulations rather than being sued
Dr. Mike Williams warns against Covid vaccines
Fauci Covid-19 dossier by Dr. David E Martin
Covid vaccines reduce severe symptoms : Official claim
Pizza Express sues UK Government
31st May 2021
Famous economist and analyst Martin Armstrong poses the question: who do you trust? He decides to go with the advice from nuns in London:
Covid test centres are popping up everywhere in Germany; in every city, every town, empty shops and former business premises are being turned into test centres. Recently, it became law in Germany to need either proof of covid inoculation or a negative covid test in order to visit a restaurant, shopping centre or cultural venue. Every citizen is permitted one free covid test per week. After a spate of reports of fraud in the media, the German government has been forced to investigate reports of inflated test figures....
Doctors from across Britain sent an open letter to the MHRA, the Medicines Regulatory Association, highighting their grave concerns over the proposal to inject children with the Covid vaccine. Lead signatory is retired Consultant Paediatrician Dr. Ros Jones of the Health Advisory and Recovery Team (HART), a group of doctors, scientists and medical professionals formed to research and review Covid-19 policy in the UK. The letter describes the proposals as 'irresponsible, unethical and, indeed, unnecessary to include children under 18 years in the national Covid-19 vaccine rollout.' The MHRA did not respond.
An extract from the letter is below:
‘We wish to notify you of our grave concerns regarding all proposals to administer COVID-19 vaccines to children. Recently leaked Government documents suggested that a COVID-19 vaccine rollout in children over 12 years old is already planned for September 2021, and the possibility of children as young as 5 years old being vaccinated in the summer in a worst-case scenario.
We have been deeply disturbed to hear several Government and SAGE representatives calling in the media for the COVID-19 vaccine rollout to be “turning to children as fast as we can”. Teaching materials circulated to London schools contain emotionally loaded questions and inaccuracies. In addition, there has been disturbing language used by teaching union leaders, implying that coercion of children to accept the COVID-19 vaccines through peer pressure in schools was to be encouraged, despite the fact that coercion to accept a medical treatment is against UK and International Laws and Declarations. Rhetoric such as this is irresponsible and unethical, and encourages the public to demand the vaccination of minors with a product still at the research stage and about which no medium- or long-term effects are known, against a disease which presents no material risk to them.'
29th May 2021
Professor Russell Viner, a member of SAGE and President of the Royal College of Paediatrics, said this week that classrooms were not seeing the virus spread. He said that there was no evidence that the Indian 'mutant' strain posed any bigger threat to youngsters. Downing Street allegedly leaned on Public Health England to stop data release proving this.
Professor Viner told BBC Radio 4 Today programme this week that 'the evidence suggests the way that the new variants spread in schools is similar to what we saw with the original coronavirus...schools don't act as an amplifier.' He pointed out that similar claims the variant could be more transmissible among children were made about other strains, including the Brazilian and 'actually, when we tracked down the data, we didn't find support for that....the risk of children getting ill with Covid is still almost non existent. We've largely been here before with these variants and generally we end up finding that they don't affect children and young people on schools stays much the same as it was before.'
Public Health England were going to print the data showing the India variant was not affecting school children, but the Government forced a redaction.
Doctors at the Royal Bolton Accident & Emergency Department have been telling people not to visit unless absolutely necessary, due to allegedly being full of Covid patients who have been inoculated. 41 people are apparently being treated for Covid at the hospital, with 8 in intensive care.
Bolton currently has the highest number of 'cases' in the UK, with more than 1200 positive tests in week to 20th May. This is a transmission rate of 450.7 per 100,000 population, compared with the country average of 22.4 per 100,000. This is supposed to be due to the 'Indian' variant, which the Indian Government says does not exist and has sent a Cease and Desist Letter to Social Media companies in order to stamp out the 'misinformation'.
Greater Manchester health leaders have confirmed that the majority of Covid patients in the hospital had had Covid vaccination, despite the UK Government saying otherwise.
29th May 2021
The Euthanasia Prevention Coalition has organised protests against the 'Assisted Dying' Bill in Ottawa, Canada.
The President of the Australian Medical Association of Queensland (AMAQ), Dr. Chris Perry, said that 'terminally ill patients choosing to die out of hopelessness, abandonment'. Australia has introduced an 'Assisted Dying' Bill to legalise euthanasia like many other countries in Europe and the UK. Dr. Perry stated that patients were less likely to agree to euthanasia if better palliative care options were available. 'Palliative care physicians can keep people very very comfortable, and they can go when its meant for them to go' he said. He issued a stinging rebuke prior to Parliament's vote on the Bill.
28th May 2021
Up until now, Facebook has censored and taken down all posts that refer to the Covid-19 virus as being manmade, as opposed to naturally occurring.
Recent revelations by Project Veritas show that when comments on the Facebook platform did not fit the Big Pharma/government narrative they were censored. However, now that more information has been forthcoming about the likely origins, and there is more evidence that it originated in the Wuhan Laboratory, Facebook has changed its policy to allow discussion on this topic. Even Dr. Fauci, the Medical Adviser to the U.S. Administration, has been forced to admit that not only did he know about research into 'weaponising' viruses through 'gain of function', but that the work in Wuhan was financed with American taxpayer funds.
28th May 2021
Various States in America are offering people incentives to accept the Covid-19 injections. They range from free bagels or doughnuts to free participation in a lottery.
In Canada, children of 12 upwards are being offered free ice cream to get jabbed without their parents' consent.
18 teenagers from Connecticut are the latest young people to be harmed by the injections, with all being hospitalised for heart problems. Some schools are getting children who have had the jab to pressurise their friends into doing the same.
Texas Governor, Republican Greg Abbott, gave a press conference in Austin, Texas on 18th May, saying he kept seeing improved Covid-19 metrics after he lifted restrictions and mask mandates in March, despite criticisms from Democrats. 'The numbers just continue to improve.'
Accused of issuing 'a death warrant' to Texans, the statistics indicate no ill effects from rescinding all the 'rules' and the State has seen lower Covid deaths, hospitalisations and 'cases'. 'In March, we had the entire economy open up 100%', Abbot said, 'and no more masks, and of course President Biden and the Democrats railed against it. ,,, Deaths from the virus reached zero and hospitalisations continue to decline,,,,No more masks in school. It's time to get back to normal'.
Andy Heasman's channel '' on, interviewed a British Funeral Director about his professional experience over the last year or so. His revelations included that he was warned in November 2019 that 'something nasty' was on its way. He states that the real increase in deaths happened in January/February/March 2021 when mass vaccination started. 'I have never known a death rate like it in 15 years'. According to the interviewee, November and December 2020 were 'quiet' as is the death rate currently, which is very low. He says that anyone can check the number of burials and cremations with local health authorities. This data will show that the last 14-15 months death rate overall has not been higher than normal. He claims that a Senior Health professional, who is on one of the advisory teams to the Government, rang him and told him not to touch the vaccines 'under any circumstances.'
As a Funeral Director, he gets a call once a week from a 'pandemic guy' whose job is to grill him and others in his profession about the number and type of deaths over the previous 7 days. 'He clearly tries to make the death seem due to Covid when the death is likely due to old age.....They are deliberately inflating the numbers.' He has encountered angry families who loved ones died from cancer or stroke, and the death has been put down as Covid on the death certificate.
UK mass surveillance found unlawful by Europe’s highest human rights court
26th May 2021
The Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights today ruled that the UK’s mass interception programmes, disclosed by NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden, unlawfully breached citizens’ rights to privacy and free expression.
Campaign groups Big Brother Watch, Open Rights Group, English PEN computer science expert Dr. Constanze Kurz brought the challenge following Mr Snowden’s revelations in 2013, joined by Amnesty International, Liberty, Privacy International, the Bureau of Investigative Journalism and others.
The judgment confirms definitively that the UK’s bulk interception practices were unlawful for decades, a finding that vindicates Mr Snowden’s whistleblowing.
Documents provided by Mr Snowden revealed that the UK intelligence agency GCHQ was conducting “population-scale” interception, capturing the communications of millions of innocent people. The mass spying programmes included:
TEMPORA, a bulk data store of all internet traffic;
KARMA POLICE, a catalogue including a “web browsing profile for every visible user on the internet”;
Black Hole, a repository of over 1 trillion events including internet histories, email and instant messenger records, search engine queries and social media activity.
In September 2018, the European Court of Human Rights ruled that the UK’s mass interception programmes breached the European Convention on Human Rights as they lacked adequate safeguards. The landmark judgment marked the Court’s first ruling on UK mass surveillance since Mr Snowden’s revelations. Human Rights Groups argued that the ruling should go further and on 25th May 2021 the Court ruled that UK mass surveillance was unlawful.
The Government is planning to collect up all the medical and personal data held on G.P.'s databases and transfer it into a central database. Very little publicity has been given to this and most will be unaware that it is going to happen. Details of the scheme are in the link below. Do you trust the NHS? Do you trust the Government?
The date by which this will happen is unclear, but believed to be 23rd June 2021. If you wish to block the transfer of this very personal information from your G.P. to the central database, you will need to write to your doctor as soon as possible. Please share this information. A suggestion for an opt out letter is below.
25th May 2021
In February last, a Freedom of Information Request to Public Health Scotland asked:
“Could you please provide the total number of deaths for any reason within 28 days of having a Covid vaccine from the start of the vaccination roll out date?”
To which Public Health Scotland confirmed –
“Using the latest mortality data available (Up to 26th February), 2,207 people have died within 28 days of vaccination (number of days between vaccine and death is 0-27 where 0 is the day of vaccination).”
25th May 2021
The Swedish Public Health Agency has developed national criteria for assessing whether or not someone is infectious:
'The PCR technology used in tests to detect viruses cannot distinguish between viruses capable of infecting cells and viruses that have been neutralized by the immune system and therefore these tests cannot be used to determine whether someone is contagious or not. RNA from viruses can often be detected for weeks (sometimes months) after the illness but does not mean that you are still contagious. There are also several scientific studies that suggest that the infectivity of covid-19 is greatest at the beginning of the disease period.
The recommended criteria for assessing freedom from infection are therefore based on stable clinical improvement with freedom from fever for at least two days and that at least seven days have passed since the onset of symptoms. For those who have had more pronounced symptoms, at least 14 days after the illness and for the very sickest, individual assessment by the treating doctor.'
24th May 2021
Economist John Appleby, writing in the British Medical Journal (BMJ), assessed the mortality in 2020 taking into account the size and age of the UK population and concluded that prior to 2009, more people had died each year than in 2020. Using the same analysis, he found that there were elevated death rates for no longer than 1 - 2 years after all previous pandemics with no vaccine available. He concludes that there was no pandemic in 2020.
The Government's advisory body, SAGE, stated that 2020 had the worst excess deaths for 100 years, but they did not take into account that 100 years ago the UK population was half of what it is today, and life expectancy was a third less.
The BMJ article can be read in the link below:
24th May 2021
French Nobel Prize winning scientist, Luc Montagnier, called the Covid-19 virus 'manmade' a year ago and was ridiculed for his views. He claimed that the virus contained elements of the HIV virus, which could only have got there if the virus came from a laboratory. Other scientists found exactly the same thing, but their views were also suppressed.
Now, in a recent interview, Montagnier claims that through his laboratory work on patients who have had the Covid-19 injection and then had symptoms of Covid-19, he has come to the conclusion that the 'vaccine' itself is creating the variants. Once again, he is not the only top scientist to make this claim. A clip from his interview, with English Subtitles, is below:
According to NHS data, acute bed occupancy fell during the height of the 'third wave' of the pandemic compared to the previous year, when there was no pandemic.
30th January 2020 - Total beds open: 97,031 Occupied: 92,496
(No pandemic at this time)
30th January 2021 - Total beds open: 91,672 Occupied: 77,862
('third wave' of pandemic)
31st January 2020 - Total beds open: 97,857 Occupied: 92,029
(No pandemic at this time)
31st January 2021 - Total beds open: 90,684 Occupied: 77,41
23rd May 2021
In this recording of a recent Senate Committee Hearing in Texas, the truths are laid bare on a 'vaccine' that should never have been introduced, yet alone pushed, by governments worldwide, and now should be immediately withdrawn. Expert testimonies say that these injections break the Nuremberg Code, International and European Law and the U.S. Constitution. They have caused more injuries and deaths in four months than all vaccines combined over all the years that adverse reactions have been recorded.
Although lengthy, it is worth watching in full.
Data has been compiled by the government for the deaths and adverse reactions following inoculation, which started 8th December 2020. The current reporting period is up to 12th May 2021. The rise in adverse reactions is dramatic, although the reports cover only 10% or less of the incidents, as the majority are not reported, according to government sources.
Astra zeneca: 650,681 adverse reactions.
786 deaths
Pfizer: 165,986 adverse reactions.
374 deaths
There have also been 4 deaths from Moderna, and 16 deaths from an unspecified inoculation
Total: 816,667 adverse reactions
1,180 deaths
Adverse reactions include 171,187 incidents of brain damage, strokes and facial paralysis.
When reporting first started, reported adverse reactions were standing at 1 in 333. Now they are standing at 1 in 142. Assuming 10% of incidents are reported, adverse reactions are occurring in at least 1 in 14 of those inoculated. Never before has there been as many reactions and deaths from a 'vaccine' and it has continued to be administered.
The full list can be seen on the link below, which runs to hundreds of pages and details all the different manufacturers separately.
21st May 2021
There must be people in this world who are leaking information to bring down some of the 'Elites'... Bill Gates has been exposed as a close friend of the late sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein and unpleasant aspects of his behaviour has been made known. He is believed to be laying low. Although these stories have been around 'under the surface', it is interesting that they are being aired publicly now. Also in this circle, Prince Andrew and Bill Clinton...
Dr. Anthony Fauci has been implicated in setting up the Wuhan Laboratory with the knowledge and funding for the so called 'gain of function' research which he was forced to abandon under President Obama as too dangerous. This 'gain of function' work takes a virus (the Sars virus in this case) and weaponises it to make it more transmissible and lethal to human beings. In effect, a bioweapon. Further, he is revealed as having used American taxpayers' money to do it.
Also in the firing line, Boris Johnson, the UK Prime Minister with stories about funding of the expensive makeover of his grace and favour Downing Street accommodation, and asking conservator donors to pay for childcare for his son. Who is leaking?
Prof. Antonietta Gatti, an Experimental Physicist and Bio Materials Research, tested a number of PCR test swabs, all of which were made in China. She discovered that they all contained ingredients not listed on the packet. All PCR tests are unlicensed, but are allowed for emergency use.
Prof. Gatti comes to the following conclusions –
“The “porcupine” swabs are made from tough fibres. If they scrape on the nasal mucosa, they can damage it, causing a bleeding lesion or, in any case, trauma to the tissue.
During the healing process of the mucous membrane, the broken fibres can penetrate the tissue without an opportunity to remove them, causing the formation of a granuloma or fibrotic tissue, as happens with any foreign body.
The medical devices examined are not completely biocompatible and therefore do not meet the requirements of ISO standard 10993 and the tests required to obtain the CE mark."
The summary of the professors findings were as follows –
Swabs are dangerous for the nasopharyngeal mucosa. The glassy fibres, hard and brittle, can scratch the mucous membrane and create lesions. The bleeding is an indication of the invasiveness of the test.
Repeated swab testing can produce chronic lesions. The release of fragments of the brittle glassy fibres can cause biological reactions such as granulomas and / or fibrosis of the tissue.
These smears pose a risk to the health of infants and children. If the tests are necessary, small and mild smears must be carried out in children.
21st May 2021
During the last 30 years, during which time the UK population has grown from 57million in 1990 to 67million in 2000, 34% of general and Intensive Care beds have been lost. The UK now has just 5.7 Intensive Care beds per 100,000 population, compared with Germany, which has 29 and America which was 34.
Between 1997 - 2008, 32,000 hospital beds have been lost.
Between 2010 - 2017, the UK has 70,000 fewer Intensive Care beds.
In 2018, 80% of Intensive Care Units were sending patients to other hospitals for treatment.
And despite all this, and seven Nightingale Hospitals that were built to handle extra patients during the Coronavirus pandemic of 2020 and barely used, so were dismantled, the National Health Service was never overwhelmed....
20th May 2021
Just because you never see any footage of freedom protests in the mainstream media, it doesn't mean that they are not happening! Last Saturday, there were protests all over England, including London, Canterbury, Manchester, Cardiff and Glastonbury. There were also protests in Toronto, Calgary, Victoria BC and Vancouver in Canada, Mexico, Denmark, Cape Town in South Africa, Sydney, Brisbane and Melbourne in Australia, Amsterdam and New York. Occurring more and more frequently and attracting vast crowds of freedom lovers, the link below shows the protest in London.
20th May 2021
The British Government is not the only one. It has happened worldwide. One would think that there was no cure for Covid-19 and that the only 'treatment' is the vaccine. This is not the case. There are several proven, available, cheap cures. One of them not only cures in the vast majority of cases - even for those 'at death's door' - but also protects against ever catching Covid-19 (or other viruses). Doctors have described it as a miracle. So what sort of Government ignores this and lets people die instead?
Link to the front line doctors saving lives with naturally derived, existing medicine purchased for pence:
In a sinister new development, the Government is now shifting the blame onto those refusing the inoculation for the spread of the 'Indian' variant. Despite no proof at all that the Indian variant poses any threat, the Health Secretary and miscellaneous other people, including theatre owner Andrew Lloyd Webber, criticised those who preferred not to accept the injection as selfish and putting others at risk with the suggestion that this group of people should be punished in some way.
However, 'case' numbers were down, hospitalisation and numbers of deaths were down, indicating that the 'Indian' variant was not affecting the seasonal downtrend of the virus.
Meanwhile, in America, those refusing to have the inoculation were threatened with 'they should be made to pay the price'.
A recent High Court challenge by the Nga Kadiaki Group and Medical Action Society Inc. against the Minister of Health and others, sought to halt the rollout of the Pfizer injection. The Court ruled that the government was in breach of its own legislation and that the provisional consent for the Pfizer inoculation was unlawful. The Government's response was to rush through new legislation, without consultation or due process, to amend the Medicines Act, which will protect Pfizer and risk public safety.
The Prime Minister, Jacinda Ardern, has announced that the New Zealand economy will not open until everyone has the inoculation. 'Not 80% - 100%. No jab, no job, no travel'. The plan is for everyone 12 years and over to be inoculated by the end of the year.
Former Prime Minister Helen Clark commented that the country was too slow in introducing the inoculation and the 'vaccine passport'. Another former Prime Minister, John Key said that 'anyone not getting vaccinated was selfish - and should feel the consequences of refusal.'
There is a rising tide of anger against Ardern. She and her government insist the injection is safe but refuse to 'look at' the UK and US figures for death and injuries following inoculation.
Nearly all the world leaders are on board with the World Economic Forum agenda and when three African leaders refused, they died suddenly 'of Covid'.
New Zealand, Canada and the UK appear to be the most anti-human rights countries.
Not reported in the mainstream news, the churches and christianity are under attack. In Ireland, a man videoed the police invading the church and clearing out the congregation. Later he was arrested in the early hours and his children taken into care. In London, police have raided churches and terminated services under the excuse of 'Public Health'. In Canada, at least three members of the clergy have been arrested in separate incidents and thrown into prison, treated badly and later freed. One of them was accused of 'inciting people to go to church'. For how long have the police been in charge of 'Public Health' matters? What do they know about Public Health? Previously, their role was to protect the public from criminal behaviour and deal with the perpetrators. Suddenly, all of us have potentially become criminals.
In France, churches have regularly been desecrated, vandalised and burnt down. Over the past year or more, an average of two incidents per week. No one has been charged for any of these crimes.
18th May 2021
Reports continue to be heard about Accident and Emergency Departments in hospitals being extremely busy, thought to be dealing with continuing adverse effects of Covid-19 injections. Although initially confirmed as the case, hospitals are now backtracking on admitting the reason for the increased activity. A letter from a London Medical Consultant confirming the huge number of adverse reactions to the British Medical Journal was pulled a few days after publication, because it allegedly contained 'misinformation.'
The government's yellow card website (NHRA) although difficult to decipher, reports 1,143 deaths and 786,350 adverse reactions to date from the inoculations. Never before have there been so many and in normal circumstances, these injections would have been stopped long ago for thorough investigation. The government calculate that only 10% of events are recorded on their NHRA website.
The Yellow Card website is not publicised by the mainstream media.
17th May 2021
Social media is full of those who have been inoculated displaying magnetic qualities at the site of the injection. Some think it is hilarious. What metals does the injection contain that would cause this effect and in what quantity? And why would the metals, which would be in Nano particle form, be sufficient to attract and hold a magnet?
17th May 2021
Spain's Prime Minister, Pedro Sanchez, has just announced that Spain will ban all sales of new internal combustion engine cars from 2040, and that from 2050, fossil fuel cars cannot be driven at all.
By 2023 at the latest, Spanish cities with more than 50,000 inhabitants must set up zones to restrict the worst-emitting vehicles. This is part of a plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by at least 23% by 2030, compared with 1990 levels.
This does not reach the ambitions of the entire European Union, which has raised target levels of reduction in greenhouse gas emissions from 40% to 55% by 2030.
16th May 2021
Researchers from the Netherlands and Germany studied the effects of the Pfizer inoculation and although they determined that it was effective in preventing severe disease from Covid-19, it may change certain functions of the immune system. The research, led by Jorge Dominguez-Andres and colleagues, was unable to determine whether the alteration was permanent.
Their work, which has not been peer-reviewed, is detailed in the link below:
16th May 2021
According to a recent poll conducted by charity 'Pregnant then Screwed', 1 in 5 women have been forced by UK hospitals to wear masks during labour, despite this being against recommendations in a briefing document from the Royal College of Midwives and Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists.
One woman, confirming this practice, spoke about 'gasping for air' and said she 'felt completely suffocated' whilst trying to give birth to her child. Others spoke of panic attacks and ongoing trauma. The charity is highlighting the lack of proper support for women giving birth in hospitals. For much of last year, partners were banned from being present at births.
15th May 2021
The State of Goa in India is using the cheap medicine, Ivermectin, to prevent citizens from getting symptoms of Covid-19 and reduce transmission of the virus. State Health Minister Vishwajit Rane announced recently that the government was advising the prophylactic use of Ivermectin for all citizens over 18 years, regardless of whether they had symptoms. The medicine will be given out via state Health Centres. The Health Minister referred to the many studies showing Ivermectin's efficacy and safety carried out all over the world and published in Health Journals, and that its use had been proven to reduce hospitalisations and mortality.
Ivermectin has been used successfully by physicians worldwide in preventing and curing Covid-19.
More information on its use can be seen on
15th May 2021
New Zealand MD Dr. Sam Bailey has been challenging the narrative and getting 'cancelled' and fact-checked for her troubles!
She explains why if there is no testing, there is no pandemic.
14th May 2021
After many calls by doctors and scientists worldwide to halt the Covid-19 injections immediately, the European Medicines Agency (EMA) has asked Pfizer, Moderna and Astra Zeneca for more data on heart inflammation, Guillain-Barre Syndrome and face swelling reactions post injection.
The EMA also wants updated warnings and list of side effects.
This comes months after the start of the vaccination campaign, just as Pfizer is expanding the use of its products to children aged 12 - 15, and plans to vaccinate children aged 2 - 11 in September.
An international consortium of doctors published their damning assessment of the Covid-19 injections recently. Their conclusions were as follows:
Safety: The vaccines are dangerous to both healthy individuals and those with pre-existing chronic disease, for reasons such as the following: risk of lethal and non-lethal disruptions of blood clotting including bleeding disorders, thrombosis in the brain, stroke and heart attack; autoimmune and allergic reactions; antibody-dependent enhancement of disease; and vaccine impurities due to rushed manufacturing and unregulated production standards.
The risk-benefit calculus is therefore clear: the experimental vaccines are needless, ineffective and dangerous. Actors authorising, coercing or administering experimental COVID-19 vaccination are exposing populations and patients to serious, unnecessary, and unjustified medical risks.
13th May 2021
According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website, one of the changed criteria is that beginning 14th May, no 'cases' of vaccinated people will be counted unless the person is hospitalised or dies. 'Cases' are where a Covid-19 test is done and it is positive.
However, the second alteration to the criteria is the modification of the so-called 'Cycle Threshold' (CT) of the PCR test. The higher the CT, the more likely it will show a false positive, which will be counted as a 'case'. However, in future, when vaccinated people are tested, the CT will be reduced from 35 to 24 so that the test will show less positive cases. The CT is typically 35 - 40.
According to the CDC, as of 26th April 2021, there were 9245 positive tests after vaccination. 935 of these were hospitalised and 132 died. Recent data shows that 60% of new cases are among vaccinated people. Two countries with large proportions of their populations having received the inoculation, Israel and The Seychelles, both have high 'case' numbers.
13th May 2021
124 retired U.S. admirals and generals issued an open letter warning that “Our nation is in deep peril. We are fighting for our survival as a Constitutional Republic like no other time since our founding in 1776.” The letter continued 'we must fight back against socialists, marxists...'
At the same time, first retired army officers and then serving army personnel, wrote to the Macron administration in France, warning that the country was in dire danger of losing its culture and identity, and that unless something was done to halt it, the military would have to take over. The government had tried to suppress the dissent by threatening sanctions against the first group who had written, but then a much larger group wrote again, backing up the previous officers, and clearly supported by many French citizens.
12th May 2021
Whilst the numbers of injuries and deaths from Covid injections exceed quarter of a million in the UK (according to the government's passive reporting system 'yellow card'), government teams will be sent out to UK schools to 'educate' children on the safety and desirability of being injected. Manufacturers have made no claims about protection from contracting Covid-19, nor about preventing the spread. Pharmaceutical companies have claimed only that the likelihood of severe symptoms from the virus will be lessened. The chances of children dying from the virus have been calculated as far less than being struck by lightning.
The short and long term effects of the Covid injections on children and adults are unknown. Bypassing animal trials is against the Nuremberg Code. Coercion to accept these injections is against the Nuremberg Code, Human Rights laws in Europe, Britain and International law.
A Freedom of Information request (FOI) confirmed that 'All offences charged under the Coronavirus Act 2020 were incorrectly charged'....Between April 2020 and February 2021 there were 'no cases where a suspect was convicted under the Act.'
Human Rights lawyers are pressing for all Coronavirus fines imposed by the police and paid, should be reviewed and refunded.
The moral of all this? Don't pay any fine imposed under the Coronavirus restrictions. The likelihood is that you will never hear any more about it. This is the case in Canada and will most likely be the same in every country.
U. S. Doctor claims that the majority of lives could have been saved with already available reliable treatments, but the government and its “stakeholders” in Big Pharma chose to focus on 'vaccines'. At the same time, news organizations were recruited to present only one side of the vaccine story.
Mainstream outlets have agreed to not allow any news critical of the shots to reach the American people. This corrupt collusion falls under the Trusted News Initiative, a global collaboration signed onto by Big Tech social-media giants and many of its corrupt corporate media “partners.”
The partners signed onto the Trusted News Initiative to date are: Associated Press, AFP; BBC, CBC/Radio-Canada, European Broadcasting Union (EBU), Facebook, Financial Times, First Draft, Google/YouTube, The Hindu, Microsoft, Reuters, Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism, Twitter, The Washington Post. The New York Times has also participated in the past.
Reporting facts related to the dark side of the experimental mRNA vaccines is considered “dangerous disinformation” by the globalist media elites behind the Trusted News Initiative.
“So I think this was effectively a scrubbing, like we’ve seen elsewhere' Dr. McCullough said. This is a Trusted News Initiative, which is very important for Americans to understand, this was announced Dec. 10, and this is a coalition of all the major media and government stakeholders in vaccination, where they are not going to allow any negative information about vaccines to get into the popular media because they’re concerned about vaccine hesitancy, that if Americans got any type of fair, balanced coverage on safety events then they simply would not come forward and get the vaccine.”
“The Trusted News Initiative is really troublesome,” he continued, “because we’re now at record numbers of deaths, they continue to occur every day.”
Israel has been praised by other countries for going through all the lockdowns, mask wearing, shutting down, 'social distancing', mass 'vaccination' and then 'taking a stride towards freedom' by the imposition of 'vaccine' passports. UK Cabinet Minister, Michael Gove, even made a trip to Israel to check on how their 'vaccine' passport scheme was working so that it could be imposed on UK citizens. The Irish Prime Minister called Israel the 'blueprint for success'.
The Israeli Health Minister has now announced '..My main fear is we may need to close everything - all at once', warning of 'significant' concern that vaccine-resistant strains will enter Israel, forcing immediate closures. He said the Indian variant is worrisome. He also called for stricter rules on quarantine.
Israel has made a huge push for mass innoculation, excluding all those who refuse from normal life. Almost everything is barred to the non-innoculated, apart from a few supermarkets. Even children have been innoculated, and parents who refuse to have their children innoculated have their 'passport' taken away, if they have one.
Is this the blueprint for all countries now?
Israeli lawyers have filed complaints against the government for Crimes against humanity with the International Criminal Court. A British lawyer and a J.P. have done the same.
10th May 2021
A Judge in the Weimar District of Germany, Christian Dettmar, recently ruled that schools could not enforce a mask mandate for school children because the effects were detrimental to their physical and mental health. The case was brought by a mother of two boys, and was backed by lawyer Dr. Reiner Fuellmich who heads up the Corona team, which is challenging the government's lockdown rules and restrictions on human rights. Dr.Fuellmich arranged for two expert witnesses to give evidence in the case, which was brought in a Family Court under Child Protection legislation. One of the expert witnesses gave evidence that masks did not protect the wearer from catching the virus, nor from spreading it, but that it was detrimental to the child's health. The Judge accepted the arguments and ruled in the mother's favour.
However, the Judge's home was raided this week and his house and car searched, and his mobile phone was confiscated. Local newspapers covered the story, comparing the event to searches carried out in Nazi Germany during WWII. This move appears to be a deliberate attempt to go after independent judges. German Intelligence personnel are now placing coronavirus 'deniers' under surveillance
Dr. Peter McCullough, one of the worlds most prominent medical doctors with expertise in treating Covid-19, has criticised the U.S. government's approach to fighting the virus. The government strategy, carried out in co operation with the Bill Gates Foundation, the United Nations and the W.H.O., has resulted in tens of thousands unnecessary deaths and is now being followed up with thousands more deaths by the mass injection programme.
Citing only the reported deaths numbering 3,544 and serious injuries of 12,619 as at 23rd April 2021 listed in the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), which is usually greatly under reported, he says these numbers would normally be expected to half the injection programme long ago and prompt an exhaustive investigation.
'A typical new drug at about five deaths, unexplained deaths, we get a black box warning, your listeners would see it on TV saying it may cause death', Dr. McCullough said. 'And then at about 50 deaths, it's pulled off the market.'
The full interview can be seen on the link below. Of course, Dr. McCullough's views apply to government responses worldwide, including the U.K.
Just as the highest ever number of suicides are reported in the UK for 2020, a raft of Assisted Suicide Bills are suddenly proliferating around the world.... the UK, France, Spain, Germany, Ireland, USA, New Zealand, Tasmania. Assisted suicide has become a global issue....
9th May 2021
In a One America News report on 13th December 2020, the U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) detailed how 96% of deaths put down to the Coronavirus were actually from other causes. Out of 220,000 'Covid' deaths, 88,208 were from influenza and pneumonia,17,799 were chronic respiratory diseases, 26,365 were from adult respiratory distress syndrome, 44,261 from hypertensive disease, 23,275 were from heart disease and other causes were listed by numbers.
It is believed that the financial incentive to register deaths as from the virus, was the reason for this. A link to the report is below:
9th May 2021
UK Health Secretary, Matthew Hancock, said recently 'We have been working on booster shots for over a year now....and we've backed some of the only clinical trials in the world for booster shots...'
Over a year? 'Vaccines' against Covid-19 have only been available since December 2020.
Dr. Stephen K. Karanja, of the Kenyan Catholic Doctors Association, gave an interview with a colleague recently to a German channel in which he talked about the weird origin and relentless spread of the Covid virus around the world, and how natural health problems don't develop like this.
Dr. Karanja discussed:
- how medicine is really practiced and how the vaccine has never been part of primary care for a disease
- why these 'rushed' vaccines are really gene therapy and are all a money-making exercise
- why preventative treatments aren't used
- why are European countries allowing Gates to block the use of other useful medicines
During the interview, the doctor asked the question 'Doesn't Germany have the authority to tell Bill Gates to go to hell?'
Dr. Karanja's colleague, Dr. Wahome Ngare, pointed out that the virus problem could be dealt with overnight 'by the widespread prophylactic and treatment use of Ivermectin.'
Not long afterwards, the mainstream media announced that Dr. Karanja had died in mysterious circumstances 'of Covid-19'. Dr. Mike Yeadon, former Chief Medical Officer to Pfizer, contacted a friend in Africa, who reported that the doctor had been murdered around 1st May. Dr. Yeadon relayed the information on Telegram, the alternative social media.
This is not the first time that a dissenting voice has been silenced in an unexpected way. Dr. John Magufuli, the President of Tanzania, met with a similar fate.
7th May 2021
In an excellent summary of the past year's events, Dr. Hodkinson says 'This is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on an unsuspecting public.'
7th May 2021
In line with the United Nations plan to have every human being ID'd by 2030, we shall be seeing ID creep nearer an implanted microchip, which is the endgame.
First, you agree to your covid 'vaccine passport' so that you can holiday abroad. You try to download the NHS app and find your details are already on your phone.
Then you find your 'passport' has other details on it, such as link to your medical records, your driving licence. Data keeps getting added.
You hear that a digital ID is available as a bracelet, so you buy that, thinking that would be handy so that you don't have to get your phone out of your pocket.
Then the government announces you need this ID to get into football matches, the theatre, certain shops. That's OK as you always have your ID on you and every time you need it to go somewhere, the details of the visit are left on your 'passport' 'ready for next time'.
Soon, this ID becomes indispensable, as it is needed for just about anything you do; go to the hospital, collect a prescription for the pharmacy, even going to the supermarket now.
You are reminded that you haven't had your 'booster' shot when one day your ID is turned down because you are not up to date with your injections.
The kind lady at the injection centre tells you that she can offer you a microchip passport, which is injected just under the skin. it is painless and lasts for ever. Everyone is having it. It saves you having to wear that silly bracelet or be in a muddle when you lose your phone.
You mull over the implanted microchip and wonder how so much has changed in just a few years....
The mainstream media reported today that 'ministers had overruled' scientists and Teachers Unions on children wearing facemasks in schools.
The real story was a little different, as reported by one of the few honest journalists, Beverley Turner. The facts are that a 12 year old schoolgirl from Sheffield brought a case against her School Trust regarding the coerced wearing of masks, with the help of a human rights group who engaged top barrister, Francis Hoar, QC to bring the case. In his submission to the Court, the barrister contended that masks risk 'causing children serious harm to physical and mental health.' 'If the Trust had done its job properly, it would have gathered evidence and reached a view as to the effectiveness of this particular measure, but it has done no such thing. There is no evidence, effectively...'
The case was heard last month but Judge Roger Ter Haar has only just made his decision, which is that 'the case as presently put forward by the claimant suffers from a fundamental defect. The school does not require the claimant to wear a mask....' The Judge confirmed that no child can be forced to wear a mask at school.
It is, in fact, only a recommendation, but the confusion around the government's recommendations and laws have been exploited by schools and many schools have applied coersion.
In another case recently, the government was forced to admit that they deliberately disregarded the harms of children (and adults) wearing masks but put the blame on Teachers Unions for pressing for the measure to be brought in.
The case served to embarrass the government, which went into damage control, claiming that it was their idea to withdraw the measure.
The husband of a primary school teacher, in a public comment, repeated that his wife claimed 'the Teachers' Union is having apoplectic meltdown over this.'
The media is covering “about half the story about vaccine passports and it’s the wrong half,” according to Wayne Rohde, host of the “Right on Point” podcast.
Rohde interviewed Mary Holland, president and general counsel of Children's Health Defence, about vaccine passports and their potential to infringe on basic civil liberties. Holland pointed out how Jacobson -v- Massachusetts, the 100-year-old landmark Supreme Court case used to justify vaccine mandates, is being “stretched beyond recognition,” and how some of today’s Supreme Court justices are pushing back.
Rohde and Holland also discussed the United Nations Plan, under the Sustainable Development Goals, of ensuring that every human being has a digital ID by 2030, how tech companies are building vaccine passports platforms designed to track far more than just vaccine status and the potential for vaccine passports to be used to discriminate against healthy people who refuse to get the vaccine.
The full article by Mary Holland on the subject can be read here:
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, a German lawyer who practices in Germany and the U.S. , famed for his reputation in winning lawsuits, has spent the last six months conducting interviews with medical and scientific staff, other lawyers, financial experts and others, regarding what he terms Crimes Against Humanity. He has also spearheaded legal action against governments and their advisers in Germany and around the world for fraud and other criminal acts.
Now, after he and his team have interviewed over 100 experts in their field, Dr. Fuellmich announces that we are about to reach the tipping point. 'They are trying to rush this thing through... so many mistakes are happening...which will warn even those people who are still in line with the government....we have the evidence. The link to Dr. Fuellmich's video is below:
5th May 2021
The 575 members of the European Parliament (MEP's) voted on vaccine passports last Wednesday. Despite warnings from doctors and scientists and liability notices from lawyers, only 80 voted against and 40 abstained. They plan to call it the 'Digital Green Certificate', creating a digital ID detailing health and other personal information and creating a universal system of health check points. It is expected to become law by June 2021. In doing so, the citizens of the EU effectively hand over their sovereignty of health and human rights to two private organisations; the W.H.O. and Bill Gates Foundation.
Coercing citizens to accept an experimental vaccine, still undergoing human trials and never subjected to animal trials, with no full list of ingredients or raw trial data published, is against EU Human Rights, EU Law, the Nuremberg Code and International Criminal Law.
The United Nations have a plan to introduce digital passports for every human being by called 'vaccine passports' are first step.
Again, the mainstream media has been playing up the 'disaster' in India from the virus, failing to put it into the context that it has one of the lowest fatalities from Covid per million population in the world. It has a population of 1.4 billion. Images have been appearing in the media of bodies lying dead in the street, reminiscent of images from Wuhan over a year ago. No-one in the Western world has seen dead bodies in the street. A little investigation reveals that these images were taken years ago. In one case, three year old images were used after people were intoxicated by a gas leak - nothing to do with the virus.
As for the oxygen situation, it is true that there is an oxygen shortage, but this situation has been ongoing for months, as India has some of the most polluted cities in the world and respiratory illnesses are common. Our neighbour rang a friend in India to confirm the situation. He said 'it's a load of rubbish'. Unconfirmed reports also suggest that many of the deaths are due to a huge covid vaccination drive, causing a sudden spike in deaths, as has happened in the UK, Gibraltar, Israel and many other countries, noticeably among older people.
This is not an isolated incident of the media using old images out of context. Early in 2020, when the virus was first identified in Britain, news agencies distributed a photograph of a boy around European countries, and the same boy was variously described in the media as 'A Portuguese boy of 14 is Europe's youngest patient to die of Corona' by The Daily Mail. The Daily Express captioned the same photograph as 'A 13 year old girl from Belgium dies of Corona'. Another captioned the image as 'A 13 year old from England died of Corona.' The true explanation was covered in a newspaper dated 22nd May 2017, with the photograph of this boy captioned 'Dad Warns Parents after 13 year old son dies from Blue Whale Suicide 'Game'.
This should make us think again when seeing reports in the mainstream media.
For those paying attention, it was always strange that anyone who died 'within 28 days of a positive test' would be classified as having died of the Covid-19 virus. Dying with and dying of the virus became the same thing and there were even known cases where someone had died of something completely different - like a car accident - but having once been recorded as testing positive for the virus within the 28 days, they were a virus death. There were also cases where covid was suspected, although no actual test had been done, and again, these were put down as deaths due to the virus. Some relatives spoke out, aggrieved that the real cause of death did not appear on the death certificate of their loved ones. Some demanded an investigation, but to date, no such investigation has been forthcoming.
Now deaths with or of Covid-19 are at the lowest possible levels and although the same thing happened last year, as we went into spring and summer, (and we had no vaccine), the downward trend has been attributed to the efficacy of the vaccine, with over half the population having been vaccinated. So what happens now when people get a certain type of flu next autumn/winter? Does this mean the vaccine has failed? According to a senior member of the government's advisers:
'If the definition remains the same, these people would be counted as 'vaccine failures', whereas the vaccine prevented death from Covid, but they really died from something else. I suspect that the current definition will have to be revised at some point.'
4th May 2021
Freedom march in London by Oraclefilms:
The charity, 'John's Campaign', threatened legal action against the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) over the rules imposed to isolate elderly and vulnerable people in care homes. The charity said the government rules encouraged care homes to act unlawfully 'falsely imprisoning' residents against their will. Families described the treatment as 'barbaric'. Rather than risk a court action, the DHSC backed down and was forced to relax care home regulations.
4th May 2021
Health Canada has halted the use of 300,000 shots of Johnson & Johnson Covid vaccine after it learned that part of them was manufactured at a Maryland plant in the U.S. that mixed up the ingredients in 15 million doses intended for the U.S. market. Emergent Biosolutions in Baltimore was cited by the U.S. Food and Drug Agency (FDA) for several violations, including cleaning and sterilisation problems, possible cross-contamination and failure to follow the required protocols. The FDA ordered the company to stop making vaccines and the 15 million shots were destroyed. 1.1/2 million doses of the Astra Zeneca vaccine were made at the same facility.
Dr. Mike Williams, a Medical Consultant working in private practice, warns that evidence of blood clotting with the use of spike protein-producing vaccines, was available over a decade ago. New research reveals why the spike protein is part of what causes the death of patients with severe Covid-19.
Not only can the spike protein cause clots all by itself, that may well be resistant to being broken up, it also looks like it also may alter the blood brain barrier, causing neurological damage.
As if mocking the intelligence of those that still believe in science this, just published - SARS-CoV-2 spike protein alone may cause lung damage:
"These findings show that the genetically modified mouse together with just a segment of the spike protein can be used to study SARS-CoV-2 lung injury," said Solopov. "We can use this tool to develop a better understanding of how the spike protein causes lung symptoms—even without the intact virus—in order to develop new targets and therapeutics for COVID-19."
Using a newly developed mouse model of acute lung injury, researchers found that exposure to the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein alone was enough to induce COVID-19-like symptoms including severe inflammation of the lungs.
The spike protein alone can be studied whilst it alone is causing lung injury … does that raise any alarm bells within the scientific community?
A recent paper stated clearly that the risk of clotting from a Covid vaccine is far less than if you contract SARS-CoV-2. The message is that taking risk/reward into account, everyone should be vaccinated.
Well, those pushing that narrative failed to take into account that to make that risk/reward calculation, the risk in the Oxford paper has to be multiplied by the risk of actually being (officially) diagnosed with Covid. Once that is done, the risk is much higher for those vaccinated.
The image below demonstrates how successful the current crop of vaccines are at producing spike proteins. The white arrows point to spike proteins on the cell surface following the Astrazeneca vaccine. Those vaccine induced spike proteins were claimed to provoke an immune response to protect life but based on the literature I have referenced, we should now look at them very differently."
Dr. Williams concludes, in his summing up: "Simply put: there is overwhelming evidence that the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein [that is also synthetically produced by the Covid vaccines] is a central part of the mechanisms of morbidity and mortality of SARS-CoV-2, and therefore is also a risk of the vaccine. In regard to clotting, that risk is greater if you receive a vaccine.
The data clearly demonstrates that the last thing you would ever want to do, is make a vaccine that produces a spike protein. As the literature clearly showed it would cause significant damage including brain clots and death. And that literature, for the most part was available before the release of Covid vaccines to the public."
As Britain records next to no Covid-19, the general public expect the restrictions to be lifted, as promised 'follow the data, not the dates'. As at 1st May, under 2000 'cases' were recorded, about 1500 hospitalisations with the virus and single figure deaths. Out of a population of about 67 million.
Surprisingly, therefore, we hear that local authorities have been giving out multi million pound contracts for 'Covid Marshalls' to be engaged, with contracts lasting until 2023.
Meanwhile, people continue to offer themselves for the experimental vaccines, still in human trials, and the mainstream media keeps very quiet about the long list of harmful effects and deaths following vaccination. The UK government announces that people will need to prove that they are 60% disabled before they can claim compensation because of the vaccine, limited to £120,000. The vaccine manufacturers insisted on complete immunity to being sued by injured parties. A compensation scheme for injuries was already in existence paying £100,000 per claim. Between 1997 and 2005, there were 35 successful claims. Already, thousands have died from Covid vaccines.
Dr. Harvey Risch, Professor of Epidemiology at Yale University, recently said that the American public had been 'sold' on the Covid-19 vaccines by the information of reducing severe symptoms. The manufacturers have made no other claims. 'However, Dr. Fauci, the Chief Medical Adviser to the U.S. Administration, is looking at this from the angle of preventing someone from getting infected and spreading it, and the vaccine companies did not provide this information.' The Chief Scientific Adviser for the W.|H.O. confirms that there is no evidence that Covid-19 vaccines either prevent infection or prevent the spread.
Studies carried out in Israel show that vaccines appear to reduce the spread of the virus by 50-60% but this is not an overnight shutting off of the spread, but a gradual effect. 'People think they can have no restrictions if they get the vaccine, but this is not true' the Professor continued. 'Over half the people getting Covid in the U.S. now are vaccinated.'
In the U.S., we see Republican led States have little or no restrictions but deaths have not surged in these States, nor hospitalisations, showing that lockdowns do not work. In Texas, where there have been no restrictions for two months, a policy heavily criticised by the Democrat Party, on 20th April 2021 there were 103 so called 'cases' per one million population, and in Michigan, where there is partial lockdown and other restrictions in force, the 'case' numbers are 790 per million.
In a bombshell expose of Dr. Anthony Fauci, the Chief Medical Adviser to the U.S. Administration, Dr. Martin and his team have released their 200 page dossier on his lies, deceptions and crimes against humanity.
Some interesting details from the dossier include:
-The imposition of social distancing was based on computer simulation and environmental models with no disease transmission evidence whatsoever.
- The imposition of facemask wearing was directly against controlled clinical trial evidence and against the written policy in the Journal of the American Medical Association. 'Face masks should not be worn by healthy individuals to protect themselves from acquiring respiratory infection because there is no evidence to suggest that facemasks worn by healthy individuals are effective in preventing people from becoming ill.'
(Note: Dr. Fauci was himself co-author of a study into the 1918/19 pandemic which concluded that most victims died of facemask wearing because it fostered bronchial pneumonia and not of the virus).
- In the Imperial College, London simulation, quarantines were modelled for the sick, not the healthy.
The authors of the dossier also note that insisting on vaccines while blockading the emergency use of proven pharmaceutical interventions may have contributed to the death of many patients and otherwise healthy individuals.
(Note: it is well known by many doctors and scientists that tried and tested cheap medicines like Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin were suppressed and outlawed, which could have saved countless, if not, some claim, most lives of virus patients.)
1st May 2021
A group of immunologists-virologists from 7 universities in the U.S. are suing the Centers For Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for fraud. The scientists claim that there is no evidence of any Covid-19 virus. They were unable to detect any COVID-19 virus in any of the 1500 "positive" PCR test cases analysed.
They found only Influenza A and B.
One of the scientists, Dr. Derek Knauss said: “When my lab team and I subjected the 1500 supposedly positive COVID-19 samples to Koch’s postulates and put them under an SEM (electron microscope), we found NO COVID in any of the 1500 samples. "
Koch's postulates is a way of saying the organism has been isolated and identified… and proved to be the cause of the disease.
"The CDC still has not sent us a viable, isolated and purified sample of COVID-19," says Knauss. "If they can’t or won’t, then I say there is no COVID-19. It’s fictional… most of the 225,000 (US) deaths were from co-morbidities such as heart disease, cancer, diabetes, pulmonary emphysema, etc. They got the flu which further weakened their immune systems, and they died."
Hugh Osmond, the owner of Pizza Express, and Sacha Lord, a nightclub owners, are suing Matthew Hancock in the High Court over unlawful closure of their businesses. The case went before Mr. Justice Swift earlier this month. The Government had tried to delay the case, but a previous judge approved the businessmen's request to expedite the Hearing.
The basis of the complaint was that non-essential shops were allowed to open before pubs and restaurants. 'In a democracy, evidence and rationality should still matter, and so too should transparency, challenge and accountability' Hugh Osmond said. 'The Government has been given an easy ride in Parliament with the official opposition being nowhere to be seen. This has led to arbitrariness, randomness and a complete lack of logic in the rules, and we're starting to see it being accompanied by something even more sinister; an arrogance and a sense that ministers are above scrutiny.'